Sqaling your business with finance that makes sense!
Why choose Sqale Finance to help you grow your business?
If the customer love sqale was from 1 to 10, we’re a 10!
Take the time to understand your business
Obtain suitable loan options
Strategic discussions on pros and cons
Empower you to make an informed decision
Obligation and fee free service
Why choose Sqale Finance to help you grow your business?
Get reviewed for a 95% chance of approval success within hours.*
*Our reviews are conducted internally without a credit check. This does not guarantee a full approval by a lender. All final approvals are subject to a formal application and assessment by our panel of lenders.
Free Loan Check
To find out if you qualify for a loan then contact Sqale for an obligation free, no cost assessment. This will not affect your credit rating. Please read our Privacy Policy.
A lender will only give option/s limited to their range of products. The disadvantage here is you don’t have a way to compare and determine if it is the best loan offer for you.
Comparison Sites
A comparison site only provides you a high-level suggestion of what may be available/ suitable for you based on lenders product sheet. This does not mean you are likely to be approved. The disadvantage here is you won’t know if the final loan approval is a suitable product for your need.
The Sqale way
To serve others the way we wish to be served by them. Our approach is transparent, sincere and genuine towards our client’s long-term success.
While commercial lending is unregulated in Australia, it is our principle to approach each client with “Best Interest Duty” in mind.
Our Mission
Constistantly empower business owners to confidently obtain loan options that are a perfect fit.
Help businesses make informed decisions in financing their growth with Sqale as their finance partner for life.
Why avoid applying directly with lenders?
Where Sqale comes in…
We know what products are suitable for your business and we’re up-to-date on what products which lender has to make an offer to you
We’re experts at navigating lender policies to expedite options and ensure a successful outcome
Our transparency and informative communication with you on loan options presented enables you to make an informed decision
The Sqale Advantage
Who’s been Sqaled?
Loans Approved
Businesses Funded
Approval Rate
Plumbing Services
$100,000This business provides plumbing services in Victoria with an annual revenue of $1 Million. Due to the impact on the construction industry, some of their receivables from clients have been delayed.
Petrol Station
$100,000Client needed the funds to settle balance owing to finalise an acquisition of this petrol station within 2 weeks.
Commercial Waterproofing
$50,000This client was established in 2020 to provide waterproofing services in the construction industry. As a growing small business they needed constant cashflow to support their growth.
Thai Restaurant
$51,000This client had a dream to spread the love of delicious pad thai’s and massaman curries amongst other gastronomical experiences. Like most entrepreneurs, usually there just isn’t sufficient spare cash to realise this goal. Especially when you have already taken loans to secure the site and just shy of the desired amount to get the fitout completed, its paramount to get this goal across the line.