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Business Loans

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Business Loans

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Cashflow is the heartbeat of every business and often requires a cash injection quickly to support growth. Technology today has enabled alternative lenders such as Fintechs to simplify the loan process and fund a business need fast.

Business Loans

  • Term Loans
  • Overdrafts
  • Line of Credit
  • Quick & Easy

Asset Finance

  • Equipment
  • Machinery
  • Vehicles
  • Quick & Easy

Invoice Finance

  • Invoice Finance
  • Trade Finance
  • Quick & Easy

Types of Loans

Flexibility to choose an option that works for your business.
The advantage with Sqale is you have the flexibility to review options and be informed about the product features so you can make a decision on the most suitable loan for your needs.
Business Loans
Our panel of lenders offers fast and simple loan products that enables self-employed clients scale their business or seize opportunities quickly. Without needing any security or financials, this gives all businesses access to cashflow.
  • Up to $1M Loan
  • 24 hour turnaround
  • No security or property required
  • Minimal or no documents required
Asset Finance
Asset finance is a short-term financing solution from a lender that enables a business to purchase a wide range of financeable assets ranging from vehicles, office technology or renewable energy solutions without impacting your cashflow. A business can also refinance their existing assets to access cashflow.
Invoice & Trade Finance
Most businesses offer credit terms which can be a strain on cashflow for up to 90 days. Invoice or debtor finance is a great product a business can leverage to access cashflow for work that has already been completed. Lenders will offer credit by securing against receivables enabling a business to maintain necessary cashflow to keep business going.
Term Loan versus Overdraft versus Line of Credit.
Term Loans
Term loans are great if you have a set cost or one-off finance for achieving growth such as bills, inventory, acquisition, and debt consolidation.
Overdrafts & Line of Credit
Overdrafts much like a Line of Credit gives the business owner more flexibility to drawn down what they need and pay for what they use. This enables the business to have more control over the cost of interest and plan their cashflow needs according to seasonal trends.