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Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve got the answers for small business finance.


How much can I borrow?

Most unsecured fintech lenders will offer you a maximum of 1-1.5x of your monthly average revenue. This is subject to serviceability within your business.

Can I pay off my loan early?
There is a wide range of products out there. Some products have no exit fees, some have between 3-6 months exit clause that capitalise interest, and some products capitalise remaining interest regardless when you exit until loan maturity.
What is the interest, fees and charges?
Different product have different fees and charges. Interest rates will vary depending on the risk of your business. These will be outlined to you when we deliver product options.
When should I apply?

While most fintech lenders can process a completed application within 24 hours you should allocate at least 3-5 days. This enables you to have sufficient time to correspond with external stakeholders such as your accountant should the lender need more financial documentation.

Also, most applicant make the mistake in applying for a loan when they ave a cash shortfall or minimal cashflow in the bank. This will reduce your ability to service a loan dramatically and may result in a negative outcome. You should plan ahead with your cashflow forecast and apply when your bank account has a healthy balance.

Who is Sqale?

Sqale is a tech driven team of experienced specialist brokers supporting businesses in Australia with strategic financing towards their growth. Our team consists of dynamic individuals who have worked for lenders, owned and operated businesses in hospitality, IT, telecommunications, retail, ecommerce and professional services. Sqale is a collaboration of the finest subject matter experts in commercial finance. In addition to commercial finance, the team also includes services in chartered accountancy, business advisory and smsf advisory.

What’s the story?

Yuan Chong, co-founder left a role as a National Sales Manager for a well know fintech lender to become a broker because he recognised the need for business owners to make informed decisions when choosing a loan. Having seen, time and time again business owners coming unstuck with loans they obtained either directly or indirectly that negatively impacted their growth, he needed to establish a fee free service that can assist clients in this journey.

After 4 years as a broker’s broker specialising in cashflow finance supporting small to medium sized brokers, Sqale was established to bring scale to the services in helping more clients.

Leveraging technology, Sqale has developed their own inhouse tool to streamline loan application between our client and lender.

What is Sqale’s mission?

Our mission is to empower business owners to confidently obtain loan options and make informed decisions in financing their growth with Sqale as their finance partner for life.

What is your approach?

Serve others the way you wished to be served by them. Our approach is transparent, sincere and genuine towards our client’s long-term success.

While commercial lending is unregulated in Australia, it is our principle to approach each client with “Best Interest Duty” in mind.


Where are you located?

We are located in Gladesville NSW. We have business partners in all states.

What type of financing do you offer?

Sqale Finance’s core focus is on business finance through unsecured fintech lenders. We have a group of experienced finance specialist that support other aspects of lending with our clients. From asset finance, equipment finance, property development, invoice finance, personal loans and car loans.

We want to ensure you have the best experts looking after you and your business.

Why should I use or work with Sqale Finance?

We are specialist in fast unsecured business funding. We have an in-depth knowledge and experience to find you the right product. Our understanding on every lender’s credit policies and appetite saves time. In addition, our strong relationship with all the lenders enable us to streamline the process to deliver quickly and efficiently.

Brokers and accounting partners refer clients to us because we look after their clients from end to end. We have a vested interest in their business because we believe that when we deliver and their client is happy, it’s a commercial success for all three stakeholders.

Do I need to seek financial advice before I come to you?

YES! You should always seek professional financial advice before you take on a debt. Sqale Finance is not providing any form of advice. We seek financing options for you. Should you need financial advice we can connect you with our network of accountants, business or finance advisers.

Do you offer other types of financing other than business loans?
We work with finance specialist in all areas. If the best finance strategy for your business is outside of an unsecured fintech loan we will engage with our business partners who are subject matter experts to ensure we have the best finance approach for your business and your needs.

Application Process

How do I begin?

Once you have contacted us, we will get to know your business and your needs. This will enable us to build a case profile to send to a shortlist of lenders we believe is the most suitable for your case.

When we know our options in terms of lenders who will fund your cause, we will initiate an application on your behalf (with your permission).

Basically we will fill out the form with information you have provided to us and will hand over the application to you to complete. You can view, edit and complete the application as required by the lender.

Likely it is simply a secured, read only bank connection of your business account/s.

How fast will my loan be funded?

As soon as your loan is approved, or is drawn, your funds will reach your bank account within hours or a few business days.

What is this bank connection technology?

Most lenders use which requires the applicant to connect their bank account for a one time read only bank grade connection to download 6-12 months of bank statements. This will then be fed to their credit algorithms to quickly determine your serviceability.

Your credentials are destroyed once the connection is complete. Hence why most lenders will require you to do another connection when you want a review in the future.

Min. Requirements

How long do I need to be in business?

Lenders vary and will range between 6 months to 36 months trading with an ABN/ ACN and GST registered.

Keep in mind, the younger the business the higher the risk for lenders and may cost you more to access funding.

What are the loan eligibility requirements and conditions?

There are varying scales of requirements from a wide range of lenders. Some lenders are ok to offer you a loan if you had a small (paid) default in the past. Most, if not all lenders will not be comfortable if you have multiple dishonours recently.

If you have been in a growing business that is managed well, you will have no issues funding your business growth.

What if I have a default on my credit file?

Depending on the situation. All defaults have to be paid and relatively small with a good narrative. You must disclose any adverse filings such as a default prior to application.

What is the minimum credit score to qualify for a loan?
The minimum credit score range between lenders. The lowest is 350 where some lender’s lowest acceptable score is 500.

After Approval

Do you charge for your service?
Good news is we don’t charge an upfront mandate for our service. This means, no approval, no cost to you. If there is an upfront cost on application for certain products, we would inform you prior to lodgement.
Do you make a commission from my loan?
Commissions are paid when a loan settles for all brokers. We don’t provide just a loan, we provide a proposition. If it is beneficial to your business and the loan offer is drawn, we will be remunerated by the lender for our efforts in the form of a commission.
Can I make early repayments?
Typically adhoc payments to reduce principal cannot be made as most lenders keep process streamlined by automation. However most products enable you to exit the loan completely saving you further interest. Early repayments can be possible subject to your loan agreement.
How do I arrange to exit my loan early?
You will need to contact the lender on your loan agreement to discuss an early payout.
  • "Dedicated"


    I was really impressed by Yuan's dedication and professionalism. One thing makes him standing out from others is he genuinely trying to help you, not only a one-way or once off sales push.

  • "Trustworthy"


    Yuan is a trustworthy professional who takes the time to nurture relationships and who takes his service seriously. He has strong expertise in his field and I look forward to doing more more business together.

  • "Pro-active"


    In my dealings with Yuan I always found him to be pro-active with his dealings for our clients and his ability to help find solutions was second to none.

  • "Reliable"


    Yuan has been a reliable source of information in the SME business lending space. He has always been very good at communicating, whether it’s discussing additional requirements, new product offerings or alternative solutions for a number of my clients. Highly recommended

  • "Memorable"


    Yuan is memorable and worthwhile. I love working with Yuan as I feel a genuine passion, energy and desire for connection. Looking forward to each and every interaction with Yuan for a long time ahead!

  • "Fantastic"


    Yuan is fantastic to deal with and always has time for his clients. Nothing is ever too much and he will always make you feel appreciated.

Get reviewed for a 95% chance of approval success within hours.*

*Our reviews are conducted internally without a credit check. This does not guarantee a full approval by a lender. All final approvals are subject to a formal application and assessment by our panel of lenders.

Free Loan Check

To find out if you qualify for a loan then contact Sqale for an obligation free, no cost assessment. This will not affect your credit rating. Please read our Privacy Policy.